We at Gore Browne have, therefore, made it our aim to raise money for charities who not only support society on a regular basis but shine when the chips are down and at difficult moments. Charities rely on kind and generous donations from the public to keep their great working going. Lockdown has severely restricted the number of events which raised money for charities, with some notable exceptions like Captain Sir Tom Moore. This has made the delivery of many charities’ vital work all the harder.
We were delighted to be lead sponsor of a clay pigeon shoot in Wiltshire in late June. This was organised by the Bishop’s Cannings Cricket Club and allowed us to play a part in raising £82,000 for local charities such as The Wiltshire Air Ambulance, Julia’s House, and Dorothy House, as well as a national charity in Ataxia UK.
It was a privilege for GBIM to support the fund raising and to deliver the donations to these great institutions which support us every day. It was also wonderful to learn more about their work.